CGC Grading

Certified Guaranty Company (CGC) is a third party comic book grading service located in Sarasota, Florida.  It is an independent member of the Certified Collectibles Group of companies and the first independent and impartial third party grading service for comic books.  CGC employs a team of more than twenty professional graders.  Multiple experts examine each collectible and assign a grade according to a well-established and internationally accepted standard.

CGC’s state-of-the-art holder combines superior optics and advanced archival materials to provide the best in display and presentation.  A tamper-evident seal and numerous security features provides an even higher level of confidence.

Professional comic book grading eliminates concerns about grade misrepresentations by providing a professional assessment of condition and quality.  Every comic book certified by CGC is graded by the hobby’s most experienced and trusted team and according to well-established grading standards.

CGC is the industry leader in professional comic book certification and has pioneered its well respected Signature Series program, a certification service that assures the signature on a collectible is 100% authentic.  The foundation of CGC’s Signature Series program is the authorized CGC Witness.  At comic cons or other authorized events, a CGC Witness will personally observe the signature(s) in real time as they are applied live by the signer.  Once the witnessed signature(s) are obtained, the collectible can then be submitted to CGC for grading and certification with CGC’s prestigious Signature Series label.

THECOMICMONSTER is an authorized CGC Signature Series Facilitator and member/dealer.  We travel with at least one CGC authorized witness to all events we attend so that client books and collectibles are eligible for the coveted CGC Signature Series label.

For more information about CGC, visit them at